Weekly Teaching and Private Appointment Availability Schedule 2016




  • Drew Corrigan was a teacher at our yoga studio from June 2007 to June 2014.
    Drew brings to his yoga classes a wealth of knowledge. He has studied yoga, anatomy and body work for many years incorporating all that he can into his classes. Drew had a very strong following of students. His ability to teach at all levels was a great asset to our studio. His knowledge of chronic pain and injuries in relation to yoga was very important in our wellness center as we cater to all body types.
    Drew was always continuing his education, keeping up to date with current yoga studies and trends, and applying those in his classes. In addition to teaching weekly classes, Drew taught the anatomy course in our 200 Hour Registered Yoga Teacher Training Program. This too was a commitment to our studio and also a commitment to continuing his studies. We all learned a lot from his classes! Drew is a friendly, warm, caring gentleman. He is reliable, on time, efficient, and committed to his work. I am happy he is in his homeland of Australia, however he is missed dearly here in the USA.Jennifer Kieltyka, Owner/Director, Boulevard Yoga & Healing Arts, Kansas City, MO, USA, boulevardyoga.com
  • Drew Corrigan is a stellar human being and a very gifted yoga teacher! He puts much thought, time and energy into planning his classes and is creative in his approach to teaching. Many times he has a theme for the class to help students grow on the mat and in their lives. He is meticulous with alignment and is highly educated in anatomy and physiology. He is always attending workshops to increase his knowledge of yoga and the human body. He worked at my studio from 2006-2014 and was a complete joy to have on staff. He was always on time and was willing to go above and beyond the call of duty for the studio. The students loved him and were always complimentary about classes and his calm, kind personality.Kathleen Kastner, Former Owner, Maya Yoga, Kansas City, MO, USA, mayayoga.com, kathleenkastner.com
  • I had the pleasure of employing Drew Corrigan at my Yoga studio beginning in 2008. I had met Drew previously while taking courses for body somatic therapy at a North Kansas City school. I was impressed when I met him at the school, so when I found out he had begun teaching yoga I was thrilled to contact him to see if he would join our studio. Luckily for me he was. Drew is an asset to any studio fortunate enough to employ him. He brings with him a wealth of knowledge both in the structure and function of the body from a therapeutic standpoint and movement from the yoga perspective. It is this combination of skill sets along with his thirst for knowledge about the body, movement and its function that makes Drew such an excellent resource. It is his humble nature, quiet energy and love of sharing his knowledge that makes him a truly gifted teacher. You will get more than an instructor with Drew; you will truly get a teacher. He has always been willing to share what he learns and knows with colleagues as well as his students. Drew was truly a gift to our yoga community during the time he was with us until his departure for his native home in summer of 2014. He is much missed in our community and I think you would be lucky to have him join your staff.Mary Horvatin, Owner, Yoga Fix Studio, Mission, KS, USA, hotyogakc.com

Home Practice

I have been asked many times if I have any DVDs or online videos of my classes. The short answer is, "No. Not at this time." The longer answer is that I am planning to offer this service in the future but it will take time. Meanwhile here are my top picks for DVDs/Videos which I personally own and have used over and over. I greatly respect each of these teachers.

Be The Change